Jordanian Armed Forces conduct four relief airdrops for Gaza under royal directive


Published: 2024-02-26 17:22

Last Updated: 2024-07-13 05:04

Jordanian Armed Forces conduct four relief airdrops for Gaza under royal directive
Jordanian Armed Forces conduct four relief airdrops for Gaza under royal directive

In accordance with royal instructions, the Jordanian Armed Forces execute four relief airdrops for Gaza residents

Per His Majesty's directives, the Armed Forces conducted ongoing relief airlift operations. Armed Forces emphasized the imperative of supplying essential medical supplies to bolster Gaza's healthcare sector.

In compliance with the directives of His Majesty King Abdullah II, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, the Jordanian Armed Forces - Arab Army conducted four airdrop missions on Monday, delivering aid to the people of Gaza.

The operations involved four C130 aircraft, one of which was provided by the French Armed Forces, transporting relief supplies.

These supplies include essential food items and ready-to-eat meals with high nutritional value, aimed at easing the hardships faced by Gaza residents due to the ongoing aggression.

The primary objective of these airdrops is to directly deliver aid to the population and distribute it along the Gaza coast, spanning from north to south.

The escalation in airstrikes stems from the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Gaza, heightening concerns of a potential famine.

The involvement of a French aircraft underscores support for Jordanian humanitarian endeavors in assisting Gaza families and reflects the strong bilateral ties between the two nations, highlighting Jordan's pivotal role in coordinating international relief efforts for Gaza residents.

The Armed Forces reiterate their commitment to ongoing aid efforts, utilizing both airlifts from Marka Airport to Al-Arish International Airport and airdrops directly into Gaza, to deliver crucial humanitarian and medical assistance.