King: Jordan's support for Palestinian brothers is duty, doubters must be disregarded


Published: 2024-02-26 21:39

Last Updated: 2024-07-13 05:51

King: Jordan's support for Palestinian brothers is duty, doubters must be disregarded
King: Jordan's support for Palestinian brothers is duty, doubters must be disregarded

His Majesty King Abdullah II emphasized that Jordan will steadfastly uphold its internal priorities and national interests despite the challenging regional circumstances.

During his gathering with the Senate and House of Representatives Presidents, along with members of their respective permanent offices at Al-Husseiniya Palace on Monday, His Majesty underscored that Jordan's economic, political, and social resilience serves as its foundation, ensuring robust support for its brethren.

His Majesty stressed that Jordan's assistance to the Palestinian people is an obligation and disregarded any skepticism from certain quarters.

Reflecting on his recent diplomatic endeavors, His Majesty highlighted the urgency of halting the Gaza conflict immediately and guaranteeing sustained aid delivery to its residents.

He emphasized the imperative of halting Israeli Occupation transgressions and settler aggressions in the West Bank and Jerusalem, particularly ahead of Ramadan, as any escalation could have severe ramifications.

His Majesty noted Jordan's diplomatic outreach globally to advocate for an end to the Gaza conflict and underscore the necessity of a just resolution to the Palestinian issue, which has garnered significant traction among Western nations.

Reaffirming Jordan's commitment, His Majesty mentioned ongoing efforts to support Gaza through continued air drops and aid delivery via all feasible means.

Furthermore, he highlighted Jordan's collaborative efforts with allies to prevent any cessation of support for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), recognizing the potential adverse impact on Gaza, the West Bank, and Jordan alike.

Senate Speaker Faisal Al-Fayez, House of Representatives Speaker Ahmed Al-Safadi, and members of their permanent offices echoed the significance of Jordan's robust support under His Majesty's leadership, emphasizing the Kingdom's unwavering stance alongside Gazan families to alleviate their plight.

They emphasized that such positions reject doubt or misrepresentation, affirming Jordan's determination to fulfill its role despite the challenging circumstances, underscoring the importance of prioritizing national interests and economic stability, and continuing modernization efforts to address prevailing challenges.

The meeting was attended by the Head of the Royal Hashemite Court, Yousef Hassan Al-Issawi, and the Director of His Majesty's Office, Dr. Jaafar Hassan.