Why Jordanian aid dropped on Gaza's coast? Expert reveals tactical reasons


Published: 2024-02-28 19:26

Last Updated: 2024-07-22 08:59

Why Jordanian aid dropped on Gaza's coast? Expert reveals tactical reasons
Why Jordanian aid dropped on Gaza's coast? Expert reveals tactical reasons

Omar Biltaji, the coordinator for #AirDropAidForGaza in Jordan, provided insights into the recent aiddrop over the Gaza Strip by the Jordanian Royal Air Force.

He explained, in an interview with Roya, that the majority of the aid packages landed on the coastal areas for strategic reasons.

Biltaji emphasized the need for a soft landing surface to prevent damage to the food cartons. The proximity to land, coupled with wind factors, ensured the aid reached its intended recipients.

The contents of the aid packages were carefully selected to meet the needs of the people in Gaza, including essential items like food, dates, dried fruits, milk, and flour. Additionally, the aid included items like biscuits, tea, coffee, and ready-made meals, which are scarce in Gaza, he said.

Biltaji highlighted the durability of the food packages, designed to withstand water damage and remain intact.

These ready meals provide a convenient and nutritious option for the people of Gaza, containing rice, herbs, spices, chicken, and meat, and can be easily prepared by boiling for a minute or two.