Jordan condemns Israeli Occupation land seizure in East Jerusalem


Published: 2024-02-29 22:15

Last Updated: 2024-07-22 08:59

Jordan condemns Israeli Occupation land seizure in East Jerusalem
Jordan condemns Israeli Occupation land seizure in East Jerusalem

Jordan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates issued a statement on Thursday denouncing the Israeli Occupation authorities' seizure of approximately 2,640 dunums of land in Abu Dis, Al-Eizariya, and Arab Al-Sawahra towns.

This action is deemed a flagrant violation of international law and resolutions.

Ambassador Sufyan Al-Qudah, the Ministry's spokesperson, reiterated Jordan's condemnation and outright rejection of the Israeli Occupation's unilateral and illegal measures, which involve confiscating Palestinian lands and displacing residents.

These actions undermine prospects for peace and hinder the establishment of a sovereign Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, based on the 1967 borders and the two-state solution endorsed by international legitimacy resolutions.