Lebanon to file complaint at UN Security Council after “Israel” targeted UNFIL peacekeepers


Published: 2024-03-30 20:03

Last Updated: 2024-07-13 17:13

UNIFIL forces in Lebanon. (File photo)
UNIFIL forces in Lebanon. (File photo)

Lebanon intends to urgently file a complaint with the United Nations Security Council against “Israel” after the latter targeted a United Nations Interim Force (UNIFIL) unit in Lebanon UN which resulted in 4 injuries, according to a statement from the Lebanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In its statement on Saturday, the Lebanese Foreign Ministry expressed its "condemnation in the strongest terms of this attack, which violates international law and international humanitarian law."

The Lebanese Foreign Ministry's statement added that the Israeli occupation's attack on UN forces comes within the context of “Israel's deliberate policy of not respecting the decisions of international legitimacy and its representatives since 1948 until today."

The UNIFIL peacekeeping mission in Lebanon stated earlier that “three military observers and a translator were injured in an explosion near their patrol on the Blue Line in southern Lebanon.”

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