Arab Summit calls for international peacekeeping forces in occupied Palestine


Published: 2024-05-16 18:21

Last Updated: 2024-07-13 21:55

Arab Summit calls for international peacekeeping forces in occupied Palestine
Arab Summit calls for international peacekeeping forces in occupied Palestine

The concluding statement of the 33rd Arab Summit hosted by the Kingdom of Bahrain condemned Tel Aviv's obstruction of ceasefire efforts in Gaza and deplored the Israeli Occupation Forces' expansion of aggression on the Palestinian city of Rafah despite international warnings of its disastrous humanitarian consequences.

The statement also condemned "the Israeli Occupation military's control over the Palestinian side of the Rafah crossing to tighten the blockade on civilians in the Strip, leading to the closure of the crossing and the halt of humanitarian aid flow, depriving Gaza residents of their main lifeline," calling on Israeli Occupation to withdraw from Rafah "to ensure safe humanitarian access."

The steadfast Arab position in support of the Palestinian cause was emphasized, considering it the central issue and the linchpin of peace and stability in the region, with unequivocal rejection of any attempts to forcibly displace Palestinians within or outside their land as a clear violation of international law, which will be collectively addressed. We strongly condemn all Israeli Occupation unlawful actions targeting the brotherly Palestinian people, depriving them of their rights to freedom, statehood, life, and human dignity as guaranteed by international laws.

"We renew our unwavering stance and call for a just and comprehensive peaceful settlement of the Palestinian issue, supporting President Mahmoud Abbas' call for an international peace conference and irreversible steps to implement the two-state solution based on the Arab Peace Initiative and international legitimacy resolutions to establish an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, accepting its membership in the United Nations as a full sovereign state like other world states, and ensuring the restoration of all legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, especially their right to return, self-determination, empowerment, and support."

The concluding statement urged the international community to implement the UN Security Council resolutions issued since the outbreak of the war on Gaza, including Resolution 2720, "and we urge the UN humanitarian coordinators to expedite the establishment and activation of the UN mechanism mandated by the resolution within Gaza to facilitate the entry of humanitarian aid into the Strip, and overcome all the obstacles imposed by Israel to allow adequate aid entry to respond to the humanitarian disaster affecting the region."

It called for joint Arab efforts to urgently and immediately provide humanitarian aid to Gaza, in collaboration with relevant UN organizations.

The international community was also urged to fulfill its legal obligations and take decisive actions to end the Israeli occupation of Arab territories occupied in June 1967, including the Syrian Golan Heights and southern Lebanon, and implement relevant Security Council resolutions.

"We emphasize the need for Israel, the occupying power, to stop all its illegal actions violating the rights of the brotherly Palestinian people, undermining the two-state solution and the prospects for achieving a just and comprehensive peace in the region, including the construction and expansion of settlements, the confiscation of Palestinian lands, and the displacement of Palestinians from their homes."

"We stress the need to halt all Israeli military operations and settler terrorism against the Palestinian people in the occupied West Bank, and to end all measures hindering the growth of the Palestinian economy, including the detention of Palestinian funds, in violation of international law, humanitarian law, and international legitimacy resolutions."

It reaffirmed the sanctity of the occupied city of Jerusalem and its status in divine religions, rejecting and condemning all Israeli Occupation attempts to Judaize Jerusalem, alter its Arab-Islamic and Christian identity, change its historical and legal status and its holy sites, and ensure the protection of holy places in Bethlehem without affecting its cultural identity and religious sanctity.

The statement affirmed support for the historical Hashemite guardianship over Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem, its role in protecting their Arab-Islamic and Christian identity, preserving the historical and legal status quo in Jerusalem and its holy sites, and that Al-Aqsa Mosque - Al-Haram Al-Sharif, in its entirety, with an area of 144,000 square meters, is a purely Muslim place of worship, and stressed that the Jordanian administration of Jerusalem Awqaf and Al-Aqsa Mosque Affairs is the sole legitimate authority responsible for managing the affairs of Al-Aqsa Mosque and its maintenance, organizing access to it.

Expressing grave concern over the recent military escalation in the region and its dangerous implications for regional security and stability, the statement called on all parties to exercise restraint and spare the region and its peoples the risks of war and increased tension, urging the United Nations Security Council to fulfill its responsibility to maintain international peace and security and to work to implement its resolutions related to a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, and to prevent the escalation of the crisis and the expansion of the war in the Middle East.

The international community was called upon to fulfill its responsibilities to follow up on efforts to push the peace process forward towards achieving a just and comprehensive peace based on the two-state solution, embodying the independent Palestinian state and its capital East Jerusalem along the lines of June 4, 1967, to live in security and peace alongside Israel in accordance with international legitimacy decisions and references.

The statement added, "We call for the deployment of international protection and peacekeeping forces under the United Nations in the occupied Palestinian territories until the implementation of the two-state solution. In this context, we emphasize the responsibility of the Security Council to take clear actions to implement the two-state solution and stress the need to set a timeline for the political process and issue a resolution by the Security Council under Chapter VII to establish the independent, sovereign, and contiguous Palestinian state along the lines of June 4, 1967, with its capital East Jerusalem, and to end any occupation presence on its territory, with Israel being held responsible for the destruction of cities and civilian infrastructure in Gaza."

The summit's final statement welcomed the UN General Assembly resolution adopted on May 10, 2024, regarding the Palestinian request for full membership in the United Nations, with the support of 143 countries, and called on the UN Security Council to reconsider its decision issued in this regard in its session on April 18, 2024, and requested the Council to be fair and supportive of the rights of the Palestinian people to life, freedom, and human dignity, and to work on implementing its relevant decisions on the Palestinian issue and occupied Arab territories. The statement appreciated the positions of the countries that recognized the Palestinian state and declared that they would recognize it.

It also called on Palestinian factions to unite under the umbrella of the Palestine Liberation Organization, the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, and to agree on a comprehensive national project and a unified strategic vision to dedicate efforts to achieve the aspirations of the Palestinian people to achieve their legitimate rights and establish their independent national state on their national soil based on the two-state solution and in accordance with international legitimacy decisions and approved references.