Man jailed for biting, beating mother unconscious


Published: 2024-05-20 18:02

Last Updated: 2024-07-04 07:51

Illustrative photo.
Illustrative photo.

The Irbid Former Court of First Instance Monday increased the sentence for a man who assaulted his mother, sentencing him to one and a half years in prison and imposing fines.

The fetails obtained by "Roya" revealed that the man was under the influence of drugs at his mother's home, where she supported him after his father's death.

Few days prior, an argument erupted between the man and his mother, leading him to continuously bite and beat her until she lost consciousness. He fled before security forces apprehended him.

During court sessions, it was revealed the complainant was the defendant's mother. The court found the assault exceeded all humanitarian, ethical, and societal norms upheld by all religions and laws regarding mothers.

The court described the crime as not only a legal violation but also indicative of the defendant's malicious and criminal tendencies, hard-heartedness, and atrocious actions, disregarding the Quranic commandment to honor parents.

The court applied legal provisions under Article 337 of the Penal Code, noting the legislator had increased the penalty for harming a parent per Article 328/3 of the same law. The court confirmed the sentence to ensure both general and specific deterrence.