Jordan conducts 3 airdrops of aid to southern Gaza


Published: 2024-05-21 17:22

Last Updated: 2024-07-19 23:00

Airdrops on Gaza Strip
Airdrops on Gaza Strip

The Jordanian Armed Forces announced on Tuesday the execution of three airdrops of humanitarian and food aid targeting several locations in southern Gaza.

The airdrops included relief and humanitarian aid to support the people in Gaza affected by the ongoing Israeli Occupation on the region.

The operation involved an aircraft from the Royal Jordanian Air Force, an aircraft from the Arab Republic of Egypt, and an aircraft from the Federal Republic of Germany.

The Jordanian Armed Forces affirmed their continued commitment to sending humanitarian and medical aid through an air bridge, delivering supplies from Marka Airport to Al-Arish International Airport, conducting airdrops over Gaza, or via ground aid convoys.

This effort aims to help the people in Gaza overcome the difficult conditions and embodies the spirit of cooperation and solidarity between the two brotherly peoples.

Since the start of the "Israeli" aggression on Gaza, the Jordanian Armed Forces have conducted 96 airdrops and 248 airdrops in cooperation with friendly and brotherly nations.