Jenin death toll rises to 12


Published: 2024-05-23 09:42

Last Updated: 2024-07-13 12:59

“Israeli” soldiers clash with Palestinians following a Military operation in Jenin, West Bank. (July 3, 2023) (Photo: Flash90)
“Israeli” soldiers clash with Palestinians following a Military operation in Jenin, West Bank. (July 3, 2023) (Photo: Flash90)

The death toll from the latest “Israeli” incursion into the city of Jenin and its camp rose to 12 martyrs on Sunday – per Roya’s correspondent.

Mustafa Jabareen, a Palestinian youth, succumbed to his injuries inflicted by “Israeli” forces' gunfire during the raid on Jenin city.

According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, the total number of martyrs in the West Bank, including occupied Jerusalem, has reached 517 since October 7, 2023.

The Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) continue their aggression on Jenin city and its camp for the third consecutive day, raiding hundreds of homes and destroying several with ENERGA anti-tank rifle grenades.

The Occupation bulldozers continue to destroy infrastructure, including streets, water, sewage, and electricity networks extensively in Jenin city and camp.

These incursions come as part of a series of continuous escalations by the occupation in the West Bank, exacerbating the suffering of Palestinians and deepening tension in the region.