American-built floating dock in Gaza partially washed ashore in Ashdod


Published: 2024-05-25 14:38

Last Updated: 2024-07-13 01:37

American-built floating dock in Gaza partially washed ashore in Ashdod
American-built floating dock in Gaza partially washed ashore in Ashdod

Hebrew media reported on Saturday that part of a floating dock in Gaza, built with the assistance of American forces to deliver aid to the Strip, was washed away by the sea.

Channel 12 revealed that about a week after its inauguration, part of the American floating dock was carried away by the water to the shores of Ashdod.

The channel detailed that the section of the American naval pier broke off and ended up ashore in Ashdod due to strong sea waves.

Naval forces quickly responded to the scene, securing the drifting section and preventing any casualties.

Additionally, the Hebrew newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth noted that the separated piece was an "American barge" being transported by a warship to the naval dock off Gaza.

The newspaper reported that the barge detached from the ship because of high waves and drifted toward Ashdod's shore.

Despite efforts from the American warship to rescue the barge, mechanical failure led to another ship being called in for assistance.

The construction cost of the floating dock in Gaza, which was inaugurated last week, may reach USD 320 million and is intended to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid to Palestinians in the Strip.