Khasawneh pays tribute to Jordan’s resilience on its 78th Independence Day


Published: 2024-05-25 20:29

Last Updated: 2024-07-13 09:32

Prime Minister Bisher Al-Khasawneh
Prime Minister Bisher Al-Khasawneh

Prime Minister Bisher Al-Khasawneh publicly greeted the Kingdom on the occasion of its 78th Independence Day.

Khasawneh stated during his speech at the official celebrations of Jordan's independence, "Greetings to our steadfast and noble people, to our generous and giving land, and to our constitutional institutions that narrate the story of a nation that willingly faced challenges, and to our chosen Arab army and courageous security agencies."

He continued, "78 years since our independence, 25 of which under [His Majesty King Abdullah’s] auspicious reign… We have achieved accomplishments in various fields."

This year also marks King Abdullah’s Silver Jubilee, which will be celebrated on June 9.