Hamas leader comments on new negotiations with Israeli Occupation


Published: 2024-05-25 23:42

Last Updated: 2024-07-13 14:00

Hamas leader comments on new negotiations with Israeli Occupation
Hamas leader comments on new negotiations with Israeli Occupation

Hamas leader Osama Hamdan commented on recent negotiations reported by Hebrew media, initiated after Netanyahu directed his team to resume talks with Hamas regarding a detainee exchange.

Hamdan stated that these negotiations aim to halt aggression, lift the siege, and secure a fair prisoner exchange deal.

He clarified that Hamas was not officially informed about the resumption of talks, suggesting that talk of new negotiations lacks seriousness.

Hamdan asserted that Hamas doesn't see the need for fresh negotiations, having already responded to previous mediator proposals.

He accused Israeli Occupation of attempting to evade International Court of Justice obligations. Hamdan emphasized that entertaining amendments to mediator proposals would only serve Israeli Occupation's interests by providing it with more time to continue aggression.

He insisted on serious guarantees before engaging in negotiations, highlighting a rejected proposal by Tel Aviv and expressing skepticism towards new ones.

Hamdan stressed the importance of implementing the International Court of Justice's decision and urged Biden to pressure Israeli Occupation accordingly, distrusting any proposals from Israeli Occupation.