Knesset to vote on designating UNRWA as “terrorist organization”


Published: 2024-05-27 16:16

Last Updated: 2024-07-13 00:31

Knesset to vote on designating UNRWA as “terrorist organization”
Knesset  to vote on designating UNRWA as “terrorist organization”

The “Israeli” Knesset will be holding a preliminary vote aimed at designating the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) as a terrorist organization.

The bill, introduced by Knesset member Yulia Malinovsky, seeks to officially categorize UNRWA as a terrorist entity and mandate the cessation of all forms of cooperation between “Israel” and the agency, both direct and indirect.

Adnan Abu Hasna, UNRWA’s media advisor in Gaza, stated that no country in the world has the right to declare a major UN organization as a terrorist entity, emphasizing that such an action constitutes a dangerous escalation with far-reaching consequences.

He pointed out that UNRWA is an organization established by a decision of the UN General Assembly, which entrusted it with the care of Palestinian affairs in education, health, relief, and employment until a just and comprehensive solution to the issue of Palestinian refugees is reached.

Abu Hasna also noted that all countries that suspended their funding to UNRWA several months ago have resumed their funding, except for the US and UK, adding that UNRWA is considered a flagship of humanitarian work worldwide.