Bridgerton star Nicola Coughlan raises $1.7 million for Palestine


Published: 2024-06-02 14:02

Last Updated: 2024-07-13 05:58

Bridgerton actress Nicola Coughlan (Photo: Getty Images)
Bridgerton actress Nicola Coughlan (Photo: Getty Images)

Bridgerton actress Nicola Coughlan has raised USD 1.7 million for the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund (PCRF).

Through an online fundraising campaign, the actress was able to emphasize the urgent need for medical aid and support for children affected by the ongoing war. The campaign is still active on her Instagram account.

Also Read: Bridgerton Nicola Coughlan vocalizes pro-Palestine support during press tour

Nicola Coughlan’s charitable endeavor has not only provided substantial financial support to the PCRF but also raised awareness about the critical situation in Palestine.

Utilizing her vast influence on platforms like Instagram and Twitter, Coughlan engaged her followers with compelling stories and updates about the situation in Palestine.