Fines up to JD 3,000, imprisonment over chicken pricing violations


Published: 2024-06-04 17:13

Last Updated: 2024-07-04 19:38

Raw chicken
Raw chicken

Jordan's Agriculture Minister Khaled Hneifat confirmed on Tuesday that those who violate the set price ceilings for selling chicken will face penalties, including fines of up to JD 3,000 and imprisonment. This applies to both fresh chicken and chicken sold through local slaughterhouses.

Also Read: Citizens complain about high poultry prices

"If we falter for 20 days in a year, it does not mean we did not succeed on the remaining days," Minister Hneifat said, describing the recent rise in chicken prices in Jordan.

He mentioned the possibility of "securing good offers for affected poultry farmers and breeders without interest."

"Any time an affected person comes to us, we can schedule it or grant them an interest-free loan," he added.

Later, the Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Supply clarified that the penalty for violating the set price ceilings for any commodity is a fine of no less than JD 1,000 and no more than JD 3,000, or imprisonment for no less than two months and no more than six months, or both penalties together.