Food, drug administration seizes 120 tons of expired tuna


Published: 2024-06-08 12:09

Last Updated: 2024-07-18 12:10

Frozen Tuna
Frozen Tuna

Preemptive inspection operation prevents 120 tons of expired frozen tuna from reaching Jordanian markets

The General Food and Drug Administration (FDA) seized approximately 120 tons of expired frozen tuna destined for canning at a food establishment.

Director-General Dr. Nizar Mahmoud Mheidat stated in a press release that the FDA's preemptive inspection efforts ensured the expired tuna was intercepted before being canned and distributed, safeguarding the kingdom's food security and preventing any attempts to compromise food safety.

The FDA began procedures to destroy the entire seized quantity, holding it for disposal according to regulations and referring the responsible establishment to the judiciary for legal action. Mheidat emphasized that the FDA's inspections of food establishments across the kingdom are ongoing, with strict measures taken against violators.

This operation continued the FDA's regular efforts to ensure safe and secure food and medicine supplies for citizens. It is part of the agency's summer campaign, which includes intensified monitoring and tracking of food products, strict oversight of storage practices for refrigerated and frozen items, and ensuring compliance with approved health standards.