Israeli Occupation restaurants in Germany close amid boycotts


Published: 2024-06-18 14:25

Last Updated: 2024-07-13 04:54

Israeli Occupation restaurants in Germany close amid boycotts
Israeli Occupation restaurants in Germany close amid boycotts

"Israeli" restaurants in Germany are facing severe economic challenges as they contend with boycott campaigns, threats, and the need for ongoing police protection following the outbreak of aggression on Gaza on October 7.

Some establishments have been forced to shut down permanently, while others are contemplating leaving the country altogether.

German broadcaster ZDF revealed that Bleibergs restaurant in Berlin announced via Facebook on June 6 that it would cease operations after 20 years.

The closure statement cited the impact of events starting from October 7 as the reason behind their decision to permanently shut down. Chaimi Froehlich, the restaurant's owner, expressed to ZDF that since the aggression started, support has dwindled significantly, leading to financial losses exceeding 80,000 euros over the past eight months.

Meanwhile, Israeli Occupation restaurants in Frankfurt have reported imminent bankruptcy due to increasing hostility, calls for boycotts, and negative online publicity.

Additionally, slogans like "Free Gaza and curse on Israel" have been etched onto restaurant tables, while residents have accused the establishments of cultural appropriation regarding dishes like falafel and hummus, which have always been an integral part of the Palestinian cuisine.