Local gold prices surge on Wednesday


Published: 2024-06-19 12:55

Last Updated: 2024-07-13 06:21

Local gold prices surge on Wednesday
Local gold prices surge on Wednesday

On Wednesday, local gold prices experienced a notable surge.

Gold prices climbed by as much as 40 piasters per gram across various carat categories, according to the General Syndicate of Owners of Trade and Jewelry Shops.

Specifically, the selling price per gram of 21-carat gold at jewelry stores rose to JD47.2. Meanwhile, the buying price for the same carat gold reached JD45.2.

The selling price per gram of 24-carat gold escalated to JD54.7, while the buying price surged to JD52.3.

Additionally, prices for 18-carat gold also saw an uptick, with the selling price rising to JD42.2 per gram and the buying price reaching JD38.7 per gram.

Moreover, the selling price of the Rashadi gold coin was reported at approximately JD336. Similarly, the English gold coin commanded a selling price of about JD382.