Cuba to join South Africa’s genocide case against “Israel” at ICJ


Published: 2024-06-22 11:01

Last Updated: 2024-06-28 17:32

Cuba to join South Africa’s genocide case against “Israel” at ICJ
Cuba to join South Africa’s genocide case against “Israel” at ICJ

Cuba will join South Africa's genocide case against the Israeli Occupation at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), as announced by the Cuban government on Friday.

"Cuba has decided to participate, as a third party, in South Africa's complaint against Israel at the International Court of Justice,” Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez said.

The Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted in a statement that "Cuba will exercise its right to provide, as a third party, its interpretation of the rules of the convention that Israel has flagrantly violated through its actions in the illegally occupied Palestinian territories in the Gaza Strip."

The statement added that Havana's initiative aligns with its "firm and sustained commitment to support and contribute as much as possible to legitimate international efforts aimed at ending the genocide committed against the Palestinian people."