Hundreds of brokers arrested over deaths of pilgrims in Saudi Arabia


Published: 2024-06-24 15:00

Last Updated: 2024-07-14 16:32

Pilgrims near Kaaba.
Pilgrims near Kaaba.

Egyptian media reported the arrest of 450 brokers responsible for the deaths of Egyptian pilgrims. Authorities plan to apprehend the remaining brokers as they arrive at airports.

According to Cairo 24, sources indicated that a complete list of brokers currently abroad exists, and they will be arrested upon their arrival at Egyptian airports. The brokers were identified using barcodes issued to the pilgrims, which contain details about the issuing entity.

In the same context, a tourism company owner revealed plans for an urgent meeting this week with the Chamber of Tourism Companies to discuss the incidents during the Hajj season. The meeting is expected to include over 50 tourism companies that participated in the recent Hajj season, aiming to protect the reputation of Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities-certified companies.

The owner mentioned that efforts are underway to control more than 35,000 tourism offices, including those that participated in the past Hajj season. Violating offices will be closed and held accountable immediately.

Saudi Arabia's Minister of Health announced on Sunday that 1,301 deaths occurred during the Hajj season, with 83 percent of the deceased being unauthorized pilgrims.