Netanyahu's wife accuses military officials of plotting coup against her husband


Published: 2024-06-26 12:38

Last Updated: 2024-07-13 17:09

Netanyahu's wife accuses military officials of plotting coup against her husband (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)
Netanyahu's wife accuses military officials of plotting coup against her husband (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

Sara Netanyahu, the wife of “Israeli” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, accused top military officials of attempting to stage a coup against her husband, Haaretz reported on Tuesday.

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In a meeting last week with families of “Israeli” captives in Gaza, Sara Netanyahu was quoted as saying, “Israeli forces are seeking to stage a military coup against my husband,”.

When interrupted by some family members who suggested she could not claim distrust in the "Israeli" military, she clarified that her “distrust applies only to senior army figures, not the [army] as a whole,” and reiterated that “the army brass wants to stage a coup.”

These accusations are not isolated to Sara Netanyahu. Her son, Yair Netanyahu, echoed similar sentiments earlier this month.

Also Read: Netanyahu's son sparks controversy with video calling for rebellion

On June 17, Yair accused the military and the Shin Bet security service of “betrayal” during October 7. He questioned, “What are they trying to hide? If there was no betrayal, then why are they afraid of external and independent parties investigating what happened?”

He also criticized the military's preparedness, asking, “Why did the army and intelligence chiefs keep claiming that Hamas was deterred? Where was the Air Force on October 7th?”