Iran warns of dire consequences if Israeli Occupation strikes Lebanon


Published: 2024-06-29 12:05

Last Updated: 2024-07-01 16:30

Iran warns of dire consequences if Israeli Occupation strikes Lebanon (Photo: AP)
Iran warns of dire consequences if Israeli Occupation strikes Lebanon (Photo: AP)

The Iranian mission to the United Nations issued a stark warning on Friday, asserting that any full-scale “Israeli” military aggression against Lebanon would result in "a war of extermination."

Also Read: Report: Iran warns Hezbollah of alleged “Israeli” plot to assassinate Nasrallah

This declaration, posted on X, emphasized that in such a scenario, "all options, including the full involvement of all Resistance Fronts, are on the table."

US General Charles Q. Brown, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, cautioned last Sunday that any “Israeli” military action in Lebanon could trigger a defensive response from Iran in support of Hezbollah.

This response, he warned, could escalate into a wider war, posing risks to US forces in the region.

Brown highlighted Iran's stance, noting that Tehran is likely to bolster its support for Lebanese Hezbollah in the event of perceived threats to the group's security, paralleling its support for Hamas fighters in Gaza.

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“Israeli” officials have previously indicated readiness to initiate military operations in Lebanon if diplomatic efforts fail to distance Hezbollah from the border.