Four-hour surgery to remove shrapnel from child’s head in Gaza successful: Army


Published: 2024-06-30 22:19

Last Updated: 2024-07-02 19:42

The shrapnel extracted by Jordanian medical teams in Gaza's field hospital. (Photo: Army)
The shrapnel extracted by Jordanian medical teams in Gaza's field hospital. (Photo: Army)

The director of the Jordanian Field Hospital Gaza/78 reported that the hospital's medical teams are treating a variety of injuries and illnesses daily, resulting from the ongoing “Israeli” bombardment.

Today, the hospital received a child with a head injury, suspected to have a foreign object embedded in its head – a statement by the Jordanian Armed Forces (JAF) said today.

An orthopedic surgery specialist explained that after conducting necessary examinations and X-rays, the medical team performed a successful four-hour surgery. The operation involved removing a 5 cm shrapnel piece that had penetrated the child's skull and lodged in the roof of the mouth.

In a related case, the medical team performed a five-hour surgery on an 18-year-old girl who had sustained a severe injury to her left forearm.

The arm had suffered from shattered bones and damaged tissues and muscles, initially requiring amputation.

However, under the supervision of an orthopedic surgery specialist, the team managed to save the girl's arm by installing a metal plate and screws, and repairing the damaged tissues and muscles.

The families of the injured expressed their profound gratitude to His Majesty King Abdullah II and the medical teams at the field hospital in northern Gaza for their assistance and effective contribution in alleviating the severe humanitarian impacts of the ongoing war.