“Israeli” captives attempt suicide amid treatment mirroring Palestinian conditions: Al-Quds Brigades


Published: 2024-07-04 16:33

Last Updated: 2024-07-04 19:38

Spokesperson Abu Hamza
Spokesperson Abu Hamza

The armed wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), Al-Quds Brigades, announced on Wednesday that it has adopted stricter measures against “Israeli” captives, leading to some attempted suicides among the prisoners, Reuters reported.

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Spokesperson Abu Hamza revealed on Telegram that "some enemy prisoners have attempted suicide as a result of the extreme frustration they are feeling due to their government’s neglect of their cause."

The decision to toughen the treatment of “Israeli” captives, according to Abu Hamza, was in response to what he referred to as Israel's longstanding mistreatment of Palestinian prisoners.

"We will keep treating Israeli hostages the same way Israel treats our prisoners," Abu Hamza affirmed, citing Israel's policies of torture and other unjust actions against Palestinian detainees.

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He pointed to the recent Nuseirat Massacre as a catalyst for their decision, where “Israel” killed 275 Palestinian civilians to secure the release of four “Israeli” captives.