Jordan to experience rising temperatures, hot conditions this week


Published: 2024-07-15 10:58

Last Updated: 2024-07-15 10:58

Jordan to experience rising temperatures, hot conditions this week
Jordan to experience rising temperatures, hot conditions this week

Jordan's Meteorological Department reported that temperatures in Jordan on Monday were typical for this time of year.

They stated that the weather would be typical summer conditions in the mountain highlands and plains, while it would be hot in the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea, and Aqaba. Some low-altitude clouds are expected, especially in northern and central Jordan, with northwesterly winds that are moderate but occasionally active.

Expected temperatures for Monday in Jordan:

Eastern Amman: 32°C to 22°C
Western Amman: 30°C to 20°C
Northern highlands: 28°C to 18°C
Sharah Heights: 29°C to 19°C
Desert regions: 36°C to 23°C
Plains areas: 32°C to 22°C
Northern Jordan Valley: 41°C to 25°C
Southern Jordan Valley: 43°C to 29°C
Dead Sea: 42°C to 27°C
Gulf of Aqaba: 43°C to 29°C

On Tuesday, Jordan will gradually be affected by an extending surface thermal depression, causing temperatures to rise. Most areas will experience relatively hot weather, with very hot conditions in the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea, and Aqaba. Winds will be moderate northwesterly, occasionally becoming active.

On Wednesday, temperatures will rise further, making the weather hot in most areas and very hot in the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea, and Aqaba, with moderate to occasionally active northwesterly winds.

By Thursday, the weather will remain hot in most areas and very hot in the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea, and Aqaba, with moderate to occasionally active northwesterly winds.