Government addresses GPS signal jamming concerns in Jordan


Published: 2024-07-24 09:50

Last Updated: 2024-07-24 09:56

Government addresses GPS signal jamming in Jordan
Government addresses GPS signal jamming in Jordan

Minister of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship Ahmad Hanandeh addressed concerns over GPS signal jamming during a press conference at the Ministry of Government Communication. Hanandeh said that while the "ministry monitors the situation, it does not handle daily follow-ups."

Hanandeh expressed dissatisfaction with some “companies' political stance on the issue,” noting that many of these are global firms.

He mentioned that the recurring jamming incidents negatively impact the perception of these companies operating in Jordan, as they associate the issue with unwarranted political agendas.

In the press conference, Hanandeh also unveiled new digital transformation initiatives aimed at serving citizens and streamlining government services across various ministries and institutions. Hanandeh stated that the ministry launched its strategy in August 2021, emphasizing its focus on digital transformation projects and programs across all state institutions and the private sector's need to stay current with the latest digital advancements.