“Axis of Terror,” Netanyahu defines Middle East as battle for civilization


Published: 2024-07-24 23:16

Last Updated: 2024-07-24 23:21

"Israeli" Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses a joint meeting of Congress (Photo: AFP)
"Israeli" Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses a joint meeting of Congress (Photo: AFP)

“Israeli” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered his fourth speech to a joint session of the US Congress on Wednesday, setting a record as the foreign leader with the most addresses to the body. In contrast, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, spoke before Congress three times.

Netanyahu began by expressing gratitude to the lawmakers for the “profound” honor of speaking before them.

Netanyahu described the current global situation as a “crossroads of history” amidst significant “upheaval.” 

He framed the aggression in the Middle East as a confrontation between Iran’s “axis of terror” and the US and “Israel”. 

He emphasized that the war is not a “clash of civilizations” but a struggle between those who “glorify death and those who sanctify life.” According to Netanyahu, for civilization to triumph, America and “Israel” must stand united.

Netanyahu acknowledged the presence of Noa Argamani, a former Hamas captive, and her family in the gallery, alongside his wife, Sara Netanyahu. 

He praised her presence and expressed sympathy for all hostages' families, promising that efforts are “intensive” to bring them home.

Netanyahu also expressed gratitude to US President Joe Biden for his “heartfelt” support, recalling their 40-year acquaintance and Biden’s contributions to “Israel”, including his support during the recent war and his role in the Abraham Accords.

He vehemently rejected accusations from the International Criminal Court (ICC) of “Israel” deliberately starving Gaza’s population.

“This is utter, complete nonsense. It’s a complete fabrication,” he told Congress.

Netanyahu asserted that Iran is behind much of the terrorism in the Middle East and described the US as the “guardian of Western civilization” against Iran’s “maniacal plans.” 

He argued that “Israel’s” fight against Iran is also a fight for American security.

He outlined a vision for a post-war Gaza, which he described as a “demilitarized and de-radicalized” region.

He concluded his speech by reaffirming the strong alliance between the US and “Israel”, expressing gratitude for America’s support and emphasizing the shared mission to transform the Middle East into a region of “dignity, prosperity, and peace.”

Additionally, Netanyahu praised former President Donald Trump for his role in the Abraham Accords, his recognition of “Israeli” sovereignty over the Golan Heights, and his acknowledgment of Jerusalem as “Israel’s” capital. 

He also expressed relief over Trump’s safety following an assassination attempt.


- Controversial presence -

However, Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer reportedly did not shake Netanyahu’s hand, a gesture that underscored existing tensions. Schumer has previously called for new “Israeli” elections to replace Netanyahu.

Additionally, Palestinian Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib was seen holding a sign that read “War Criminal” on one side and “Guilty of Genocide” on the other during Netanyahu’s speech

Netanyahu also addressed protesters outside the Capitol, criticizing them for “standing with evil” and accusing Iran of funding the anti-”Israel” demonstrations. 

He dismissed signs such as “Gays for Gaza” as misguided and mocked protesters for their lack of understanding. He stated, “They might as well hold up signs saying ‘Chickens for KFC’.”