Jordanian Field Hospital in Gaza performs surgery on infant to remove shrapnel fragments


Published: 2024-07-26 18:37

Last Updated: 2024-07-26 18:42

Jordanian Field Hospital in Gaza performs surgery on infant to remove shrapnel fragments
Jordanian Field Hospital in Gaza performs surgery on infant to remove shrapnel fragments

The Jordanian Field Hospital Gaza/79 conducted a successful surgery on Thursday to remove shrapnel fragments from a three-month-old infant.

The infant had been suffering from a shrapnel piece in his right hip for ten days, leading to inflammation and a large accumulation of pus. This caused a persistent fever and severe dehydration as the baby refused to breastfeed. The medical team performed a surgical procedure to extract the shrapnel fragments and drain the pus.

The operation was carried out by a specialized team from the fields of general surgery, orthopedics, and anesthesia, contributing to the successful outcome and the baby's recovery.

The child's family expressed their deep gratitude to King Abdullah II and the medical staff of the Jordanian Field Hospital for performing the successful surgery.

The medical teams of Jordanian Field Hospital Gaza/79 arrived in Gaza last Tuesday to fulfill their humanitarian and medical mission, providing aid and assistance to the residents of the Gaza Strip.