"Israeli" army reinforces Beit Lid Camp amid protests over soldier sexual abuse trial


Published: 2024-07-30 11:02

Last Updated: 2024-07-30 11:28

An image taken from the protests
An image taken from the protests

Israeli Occupation Broadcasting Authority reported that the Israeli Occupation army has increased its forces around the Beit Lid camp in anticipation of the trial session for soldiers accused of abusing Palestinian prisoners, to prevent any possible storming of the camp.

Previously, the Israeli Occupation Broadcasting Authority mentioned that the army had instructed two battalions from the elite Nahal Brigade and a battalion from the 401st Armored Brigade, which were scheduled to enter the Gaza Strip soon, to relocate to the Beit Lid camp.

Earlier Monday, dozens of right-wing demonstrators stormed the Sde Teiman camp in the south to protest the arrest of 10 reserve soldiers accused of sexually assaulting a Palestinian prisoner.

Subsequently, the Beit Lid base and the military court within it experienced a storming by dozens of individuals, including masked soldiers in military uniforms, Knesset members, and ministers, who clashed violently with the military police and base security.