Bishop Christophoros leads prayers for peace at historic tell Mar Elias site in Jordan


Published: 2024-08-02 20:56

Last Updated: 2024-08-02 20:56

Bishop Christophoros leads prayers for peace at historic tell Mar Elias site in Jordan
Bishop Christophoros leads prayers for peace at historic tell Mar Elias site in Jordan

Bishop Christophoros held a prayer for peace in the region and the world at the sacred archaeological site of Tell Mar Elias in northern Jordan.

He prayed for the well-being of King Abdullah II, the Hashemite family, and the security forces.

During the celebration of the Feast of Prophet Elijah at the site, the bishop highlighted the historical significance of the area, once a vibrant monastic center, and praised Jordan's efforts in preserving the site.

The archaeological site, dating back to the 4th and 5th centuries, was restored through a collaboration between the Jordanian Ministry of Tourism and the Greek Ministry of Culture.