Rare visit to Iran: Jordan FM says aims to “overcome differences between countries”


Published: 2024-08-04 19:27

Last Updated: 2024-08-04 19:29

Iran's acting foreign minister Ali Bagheri welcomes his Jordanian counterpart Ayman Safadi in Tehran. (August 4, 2024)
Iran's acting foreign minister Ali Bagheri welcomes his Jordanian counterpart Ayman Safadi in Tehran. (August 4, 2024)

In response to an invitation from his Iranian counterpart, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Ayman Safadi visited Tehran on Sunday. During the visit, Safadi delivered a message from His Majesty King Abdullah II to President Masoud Barzani concerning regional developments and bilateral relations.

Safadi and Iran’s Acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani held extensive talks addressing bilateral relations and regional issues.

In a statement to Iranian state television, Safadi said, "I am here today to discuss the serious escalation in the region. His Majesty King Abdullah II tasked me with accepting the invitation to Tehran to engage in a frank and open dialogue aimed at overcoming the differences between our countries with honesty and transparency. This will help safeguard the interests of both nations and set us on a path toward building positive, respectful relations and contributing to a secure and peaceful region."

Regarding the Palestinian cause, Safadi stated, "As the Foreign Minister of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, which has always been at the forefront of defending the Palestinian cause and the rights of the Palestinian people, we condemn the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands and reject all Israeli actions that impede achieving a just and lasting peace. Our priority now is to halt the brutal aggression against our people in Gaza and stop all Israeli war crimes there."

On the assassination of Hamas Political Bureau Chief Ismail Haniyeh, Safadi said, "Jordan has clearly condemned this assassination as a heinous crime and a provocative step that violates international law and sovereignty. We categorically reject it and call for effective action to halt Israeli aggression against Gaza and prevent such illegal actions. This will protect the region from the devastating effects of a broader regional conflict."

Safadi added, "We want our region to live in security, peace, and stability. We want the escalation to end. As I stated in Amman and reiterate here in Tehran, the first step toward ending the escalation is to cease the Israeli aggression on Gaza, stop the violations of Palestinian rights in the West Bank, and halt provocative actions that drive the region towards further destruction. We must address the rights of the Palestinian people for freedom, statehood, and dignity in their independent state. This is the historical position that Jordan, under the leadership of His Majesty the King, strives to achieve."

Regarding statements attributed to Iranian officials, Safadi clarified, "I have reviewed the statements attributed to Iranian officials and have been assured that no Iranian official has said they would deliver a message to Israel. I made it clear that I am not carrying a message to Israel. Our sole message to Israel, as stated in Amman and reiterated clearly over the past months, is to stop the aggression on Gaza, cease war crimes against the Palestinian people, halt escalatory measures, and move towards an immediate and permanent cease-fire. This will allow us all to work towards a just and comprehensive peace, which can only be achieved when the Palestinian people receive their full rights, including freedom, sovereignty, and dignity in their independent state."

Safadi concluded, "We have begun an in-depth dialogue, which we continue now, to ensure our stance is clear in condemning the crimes committed, emphasizing the need to respect Iran’s sovereignty and international law, and protecting our region from catastrophic consequences. The first required step is to end the aggression against our people in Gaza."