Man sentenced 10 years in prison for killing wife over infidelity suspicions


Published: 2024-08-09 14:59

Last Updated: 2024-08-09 15:18

Man sentenced 10 years in prison for killing wife over infidelity suspicions
Man sentenced 10 years in prison for killing wife over infidelity suspicions

The Grand Criminal Court sentenced a man in his 30s to 10 years in prison for the murder of his wife. 

The defendant had beaten her severely before attempting to conceal the crime by burying her body in a pit near a municipal landfill.

The court convicted him of "beating leading to death" under Article 330/1 of the Penal Code.

Details from the case reveal that the victim had been married to the defendant for about three years prior to the crime. 

The defendant became suspicious that his wife was involved with other men. These suspicions led him to intermittently beat her and use abusive language. 

Ultimately, his doubts drove him to kill her and attempt to hide the body.

The defendant initially considered faking a search for his wife and reporting her as missing. 

In June 2022, while the victim was at home, the defendant violently assaulted her with a stick and kicked her until she was severely injured. 

She fled to the bathroom, but he pursued her, using the hammer to fatally strike her on the head and other parts of her body.

After confirming her death, the defendant wrapped her body in a sheet, placed it on the bed, and put her bloodstained clothes in a bag. 

The next morning, before dawn, he transported her body to a remote location near a municipal landfill using a vehicle and a shovel. There, he buried her and burned her clothes to destroy evidence.

The following day, the defendant reported his wife missing at a police station. During the investigation, he confessed to the murder and guided authorities to the burial site and the location where he burned her clothes.

The autopsy confirmed that the cause of death was a brain hemorrhage from blunt force trauma.