Jordan condemns “Israel’s” latest plan for new West Bank settlements


Published: 2024-08-14 17:12

Last Updated: 2024-08-14 17:22

“Israeli” West Bank settlement of Ariel. (January 28, 2020) (Photo: AP)
“Israeli” West Bank settlement of Ariel. (January 28, 2020) (Photo: AP)

Jordan condemned today the “Israeli” government's decisions and actions that entrench the occupation of Palestinian territories through the expansion and legalization of settlements – a statement by the foreign ministry said today.

This comes after the latest approval of a plan to expand a new settlement outpost on lands near Bethlehem, Al-Walaja, and Husan, which are listed as endangered World Heritage sites by UNESCO.

“This move represents a blatant challenge and severe violation of international law and international legitimacy, including Security Council Resolution 2334 and relevant cultural heritage protection agreements,” the ministry’s statement said.

Official spokesperson for the ministry, Ambassador Dr. Sufian Qudah, reiterated Jordan’s absolute rejection and condemnation of these systematic “Israeli” measures that violate all principles of international law, Security Council resolutions, UNESCO decisions, and relevant international frameworks.

He emphasized that these condemned actions reinforce the occupation and undermine any prospects for achieving peace based on a two-state solution that meets the Palestinian people’s right to an independent and sovereign state along the pre-June 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Ambassador Qudah stressed the need for “Israel”, the occupying power, to comply with its responsibilities under international law and halt its settlement plans aimed at seizing Palestinian lands and properties and displacing their inhabitants.

He also renewed his call for the international community to take immediate and effective action to stop “Israel's” unilateral and illegal measures, asserting that such actions, which coincide with “Israel's” ongoing aggression against Gaza, exacerbate the deterioration and escalation for which Israel bears full responsibility.