Hamas criticizes Palestinian Authority, Fatah for aligning with Israeli Occupation's goals


Published: 2024-08-15 12:45

Last Updated: 2024-08-15 12:46

Hamas criticizes Palestinian Authority, Fatah for aligning with Israeli Occupation's goals (Photo: AFP)
Hamas criticizes Palestinian Authority, Fatah for aligning with Israeli Occupation's goals (Photo: AFP)

Hamas accused the Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces of collaborating with the Israeli Occupation and undermining Palestinian unity and resistance.

The movement criticized the PA security forces in the West Bank for their ongoing efforts to arrest resistance fighters, confiscate their weapons, and dismantle explosive devices.

Hamas described these actions as aligning with the interests of the Israeli occupation.

Hamas argued that such practices contradict the intended role of these security forces, which should be focused on protecting the Palestinian people and supporting their resistance against the occupation.

The movement emphasized the urgent need for an end to the PA's repressive policies, which it claims are exacerbating the suffering of the Palestinian people.