Abbas says he will visit Gaza, urges global leader to follow suit


Published: 2024-08-15 16:12

Last Updated: 2024-08-15 16:22

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan shaking hands with Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas in Ankara. (August 14, 2024)
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan shaking hands with Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas in Ankara. (August 14, 2024)

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas announced today his intention to travel to the Gaza Strip with all members of the Palestinian leadership and called for secure access to the currently besieged Strip.

In a significant address delivered before the Turkish Parliament in Ankara on Thursday, in the presence of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, world leaders, and the UN Secretary-General, Abbas urged global leaders to visit Gaza.

He stated that following his visit to Gaza, he plans to travel to Jerusalem.

Abbas emphasized that “Israel's” true objective behind the current onslaught in Gaza, the West Bank, and Jerusalem is to eradicate the Palestinian presence from their homeland and to forcibly displace Palestinians once again, a goal he insists will never be achieved regardless of their efforts.

"I come to you bearing the pain and hopes of our Palestinian people who have endured great suffering and ongoing catastrophe since 1948, facing the crimes of occupation and the absence of international justice, while steadfastly holding on to their land, nation, sacred sites, and their national rights,” Abbas said.

He commended Egypt and Jordan for their opposition to “Israeli” displacement plans, aligning with Palestinian positions and supporting them in international forums. Abbas also highlighted the international consensus against these plans, which violate international law.

Abbas voiced his frustration with the international community's silence in the face of daily massacres committed by the Israeli Occupation Forces, including the massacre at the Al-Tahaddi School, which resulted in over a hundred casualties.

He reaffirmed that Gaza is an integral part of the unified Palestinian state and asserted, "There will be no state in Gaza without Gaza, and our people will not be broken or surrender. We will rebuild Gaza and heal the wounds of our people with the help of our Arab and Islamic nations and the world's free people. Our independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital will be realized, no matter how long it takes or the sacrifices required."

"The State of Palestine is a fixed reality on our land and in the international community."

He also praised Turkey, under President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s leadership, for what he said is a principled and courageous stance in defending the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people to freedom and independence.
Abbas expressed his appreciation for the Turkish parties and civil society organizations that have condemned the heinous crimes committed by the occupation against the Palestinian people, their land, and their sacred sites.

"We greatly rely on the support of our Turkish brothers, who have made the issue of Jerusalem and Palestine their central cause," he concluded.