Jordan condemns “Israeli” settlers attacks on Palestinians


Published: 2024-08-16 17:04

Last Updated: 2024-08-16 17:08

Jordan condemns “Israeli” settlers attacks on Palestinians. (File photo)
Jordan condemns “Israeli” settlers attacks on Palestinians. (File photo)

Jordan condemned today what it called the ongoing terrorist attacks by settlers against Palestinians, including the recent attack on Thursday in the village of Jit east of Qalqilya – a statement by the foreign ministry said.

The assault resulted in the martyrdom of a young man, injuries to dozens, and material damage to Palestinian property – per the statement.

The ministry’s spokesperson, Ambassador Dr. Sufian al-Qudah, held “Israel” responsible for the attack on Jit and for continuing to allow these settler attacks.

He stressed that “Israel”, as the occupying power, bears full responsibility for these violations and the resulting assaults from its ongoing unilateral and aggressive actions targeting Palestinians, their land, and their homes through settlement construction and expansion, as well as the displacement of Palestinians.

Ambassador al-Qudah reaffirmed Jordan’s absolute rejection of these attacks and the escalation of settler terrorism against the Palestinian people, which continues the dangerous escalation in the occupied Palestinian territories by extremist settlers since the onset of the “Israeli” aggression on Gaza.

He called on the international community to impose deterrent sanctions to halt the racist terrorism of settlers and reiterated the call for a clear international stance to stop “Israel’s” ongoing violations of international law and humanitarian standards.

He urged the international community to uphold its responsibilities, enforce adherence to international laws, and ensure “Israel” provides the necessary protection for the Palestinian people and fulfills their right to freedom and sovereignty over their national territory within the borders of June 4, 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital.