Jordan to tighten foreign labor in proposed law overhaul


Published: 2024-08-19 17:00

Last Updated: 2024-08-19 17:14

Indian worker arranges steel tubes at a factory in the Muwaqer Industrial Estate, in northern Jordan. (February 25, 2016) (Photo: AP)
Indian worker arranges steel tubes at a factory in the Muwaqer Industrial Estate, in northern Jordan. (February 25, 2016) (Photo: AP)

The government has approved the explanatory memoranda for the draft amendment to the Labor Law for 2024 and referred it to the Legislative and Opinion Bureau to proceed with the constitutional procedures for its issuance.

The bill seeks to regulate foreign labor in the workforce, replace it with Jordanian workers, and enhance women's participation in the labor market by extending maternity leave and prohibiting dismissal during pregnancy, among other provisions that address developments in the labor market.

Additionally, the Cabinet approved the rationale for the draft amendment to the Social Security Law for 2024 and referred it to the Legislative and Opinion Bureau for further action according to constitutional procedures.

The bill aims to amend provisions related to the inclusion mechanisms for all types of work to keep pace with changes in work patterns, ensuring the expansion of coverage under the law and the protection of workers' rights.

It also aims to broaden the social protection umbrella for those insured by allowing non-Jordanians, including children of Jordanian mothers, to voluntarily join under specific regulations set forth by the systems issued under the law.

The proposed amendments will also reorganize and revise laws on unemployment insurance to ensure the sustainability and continuity of the fund.

This will align with the primary purpose of the fund, which is to provide financial support to unemployed individuals during their period of unemployment, in accordance with the regulations outlined in the law.