Scotland suspends meetings with “Israel”


Published: 2024-08-19 20:12

Last Updated: 2024-08-19 20:23

The meeting between “Israel’s” Deputy Ambassador Daniela Grudsky and Scottish Cabinet Secretary External Affairs Angus Robertson. (August 12, 2024)
The meeting between “Israel’s” Deputy Ambassador Daniela Grudsky and Scottish Cabinet Secretary External Affairs Angus Robertson. (August 12, 2024)

The Scottish government announced it will not hold further meetings with “Israeli” ambassadors until significant progress is made in Gaza ceasefire talks.

This decision followed a controversial meeting between External Affairs Secretary Angus Robertson and “Israel's” Deputy Ambassador to the UK, Daniela Grudsky, which drew criticism from within the SNP.

Robertson apologized, stating the meeting should have been solely focused on achieving a ceasefire and affirmed that no future meetings will occur until “Israel” shows substantial progress on peace and humanitarian issues.

First Minister John Swinney defended the meeting, despite internal backlash, asserting that engaging diplomatically was necessary. However, SNP figures and the Scottish Greens criticized the meeting, arguing it appeared to normalize “Israel's” actions in Gaza.

Patrick Harvie of the Scottish Greens called for a change in the government's approach to prevent financial support for arms companies linked to “Israel”.

The meeting's delayed public announcement, at the request of the “Israeli” Embassy for security reasons, added to the controversy.

Robertson emphasized that the decision to meet was intended to express Scotland’s demand for a ceasefire and increased humanitarian aid to Gaza. Despite the criticism, the “Israeli” Embassy defended the meeting as part of maintaining diplomatic relations.