Authorities says detection rate for staged car accidents in Jordan is 100%


Published: 2024-08-19 21:47

Last Updated: 2024-08-19 21:54

Authorities says detection rate for staged car accidents in Jordan is 100%
Authorities says detection rate for staged car accidents in Jordan is 100%

The Public Security Directorate (PSD) has emphasized the importance of following proper procedures to avoid becoming a victim of fraud in staged car accidents, advising the public to contact the emergency hotline 911 directly and follow the appropriate legal steps when involved in an accident.

Financial Offers

The PSD advises against accepting any financial offers to settle claims in accidents and recommends not relying solely on the other party’s contact with emergency services. Individuals should take the initiative to call and verify personally.

According to the PSD, staged crashes often involve the perpetrator falsely claiming their vehicle was hit or pretending to be struck by throwing themselves in front of a slow-moving vehicle. The goal is to extract compensation from the other party without filing an official report or to organize a staged collision with other parties to claim insurance payouts.

Fraud Crimes

Colonel Ahmad Malkawi, head of the Criminal Investigation Division in the capital, stated that these crimes fall under fraud offenses as per the Jordanian Penal Code, with penalties including imprisonment for up to three years and a fine ranging between JD 100 and 200.

He added that other forms of this crime include extortion, which carries a penalty of up to two years in prison, along with charges of fabricating crimes and making false allegations.

Apprehending Perpetrators

Malkawi noted that the detection rate for staged accidents is 100 percent, with perpetrators being apprehended and brought to justice, even if they flee the scene or are caught days later.

He stressed the importance of filing complaints with the PSD, which effectively coordinates and conducts operations and investigations through its specialized units to apprehend criminals.

Legal Accountability

Malkawi warned that perpetrators might ask the victim to visit the hospital alone under the pretense of avoiding legal accountability. They may request the victim to wait outside the hospital and could use fake casts to deceive and extort them.

Expertise and Capability

Captain Shadi Haddad, head of the Traffic Investigation Division at the Traffic Department, confirmed that traffic investigation teams possess the expertise and capability to detect all forms of accidents and take necessary legal actions.

He noted that the Traffic Department prioritizes immediate response for any traveler who might miss their flight, advising them to contact the emergency hotline 911 to dispatch the nearest traffic officer, especially with the department having assigned an officer to the airport road 24/7 to assist travelers.