Murder in broad daylight near Amman public park; six detained for questioning


Published: 2024-08-20 19:35

Last Updated: 2024-08-20 19:43

Murder in broad daylight near Amman public park; six detained for questioning
Murder in broad daylight near Amman public park; six detained for questioning

New details have been uncovered by Roya in the case of a man in his thirties who was killed near Al-Hussein Gardens in Amman. The victim was shot twice by an assailant who opened fire from inside a vehicle.

The Public Prosecutor of the Grand Criminal Court has detained six individuals, including a woman in her twenties, following a 10-hour investigation into the murder. The victim was shot while walking near Al-Hussein Gardens, with the bullets fired from a vehicle driven by the main suspect.

The crime, which took place on Sunday evening in a public street, was witnessed by several people, including a traffic officer who was able to help locate the vehicle and identify the killer in coordination with the Criminal Investigation Department. The suspect was apprehended in the Khalda area.

The woman and two others were arrested in Irbid after coordination with the Irbid Police Directorate, which managed to locate them following their escape from the crime scene.

The prosecutor has charged the main suspect with premeditated murder and has charged the other five, including the woman, with complicity in premeditated murder. All have been ordered to be held for 15 days, subject to renewal, in correctional and rehabilitation centers.

According to details obtained by Roya from a source close to the investigation, the killer and the victim were longtime friends, as were the other detainees. The woman involved was also friends with all of the detainees.

The source indicated that disputes and animosities arose between the killer and the victim, fueled by the woman relaying conversations between them, which led to several complaints being filed with the police station, though they were resolved at the time.

The source explained that the killer decided to put an end to the conflicts by taking the victim's life. He tracked and followed the victim as he walked along the street, then shot him with a pistol before fleeing the scene.

The source confirmed that the prosecutor's investigation is ongoing, with plans to hear testimony from additional witnesses, review evidence, and examine reports from the forensic and criminal laboratories.

An autopsy was conducted at the Forensic Medicine Center of the University of Jordan, revealing that the victim had been struck by two penetrating bullets that hit the heart, aorta, and lung, leading to his death.