Hundreds of Malaysian students to enroll in Jordanian universities


Published: 2024-08-21 18:21

Last Updated: 2024-08-21 19:15

Hundreds of Malaysian students to enroll in Jordanian universities
Hundreds of Malaysian students to enroll in Jordanian universities

A total of 520 Malaysian students are set to enroll in public and private universities in Jordan for the 2024-2025 academic year.

According to the Malaysian Cultural Attaché in Amman, 417 students will begin their studies at Jordanian universities in the first semester, while 103 will join in the second semester.

These students will be distributed among eight public and private universities, pursuing majors such as Arabic Language, Islamic Jurisprudence, Islamic Studies, Quranic Recitations, Islamic Banking, and Economics. Additionally, some students will be enrolled in Medicine, Dentistry, and Mechanical Engineering.

Currently, approximately 1,800 Malaysian students are studying at Jordanian universities.

Their arrival in Jordan is expected in September.

A program for cultural exchange will be signed between the two countries, which would include scholarships benefiting students from both sides and frame cooperation in higher education and scientific research.