One percent of Jordanian families use animal-drawn carts for transportation, detailed report finds


Published: 2024-08-21 20:44

Last Updated: 2024-08-21 21:26

One percent of Jordanian families use animal-drawn carts for transportation, detailed report finds. (Illustrative photo/Egypt)
One percent of Jordanian families use animal-drawn carts for transportation, detailed report finds. (Illustrative photo/Egypt)

A detailed report from Jordan's 2023 Population and Family Health Survey revealed that 98 percent of households in the kingdom own a mobile phone and television.

The report indicated that computers are the second most common possession, owned by 29 percent of households, while only eight percent have a radio.

The survey found that more than half of Jordanian households, 55 percent, own a car or truck.

Additionally, seven percent of households have a bicycle, two percent own a motorcycle, and one percent use an animal-drawn cart.

The report highlighted that 59 percent of rural households own a car or truck, compared to 55 percent in urban areas.

Regarding internet usage, the report showed that 80 percent of married women aged 15-45 use the internet, compared to 90 percent of men in Jordan.

The report also confirmed that nearly all households in Jordan have access to clean energy and cooking technologies, with 78 percent relying on clean fuel and technology for heating.

It noted that almost all households have electricity and use clean fuel and technologies for lighting.

In terms of access to clean energy and cooking technologies, the report emphasized that nearly all households in Jordan enjoy this access.

Furthermore, 78 percent of households rely on clean fuel and technology for heating, while nearly all households have electricity and use clean fuel and technology for lighting.

On drinking water services, the report stated that 99 percent of Jordan's population has access to at least basic drinking water services.

As for the availability of sufficient drinking water during the month prior to the survey, the percentage was 85 percent of households, with 86 percent in urban areas and 75 percent in rural areas.

In the field of education, the report showed that two percent of married women and men aged 15-49 have not received any education, while 97 percent of women and 98 percent of men are literate.

Regarding the labor market, the report noted that 13 percent of currently married women and 80 percent of married men aged 15-49 are currently employed.

The report found that 49 percent of women with an income earn less than their husbands, while 25 percent earn more, and 21 percent earn the same as their husbands.

Concerning property ownership, seven percent of women and 21 percent of men own a home either individually or jointly, while five percent of women and six percent of men own a piece of land.

The report also indicated that 23 percent of married women aged 15-49 have a bank account and have used a mobile phone for banking transactions in the past 12 months. Meanwhile, 51 percent of men in the same age group have a bank account and use a mobile phone for banking transactions.