Settlers attack Palestinians in West Bank


Published: 2024-08-24 16:57

Last Updated: 2024-08-24 17:09

Settlers attack Palestinians in West Bank
Settlers attack Palestinians in West Bank

On Friday, three activists were injured during an attack by settlers on a peaceful demonstration protesting the seizure of land in the Mukhair area near Beit Jala, west of Bethlehem in the West Bank.

The protest began at the Sumud tent in Mukhair and proceeded towards land owned by the Qaisiyeh family, which had been taken over by settlers about three weeks ago.

Settlers, accompanied by their aggressive dogs, attacked the demonstrators, resulting in injuries to three activists, including a French journalist.

It is noteworthy that settlers, under the protection of Israeli Occupation Forces, had taken over land belonging to Palestinian citizen Ramzi Qaisiyeh in the Mukhair area on July 31. The landowners were forced to leave at gunpoint despite having legal documents proving their ownership.