Supermarket owner reunited with JD 3,400 thanks to honest student


Published: 2024-09-01 14:25

Last Updated: 2024-09-01 14:37

Oday Abu Obaid
Oday Abu Obaid

A Roya reporter interviewed student Oday Abu Obaid, who recently found JD 3,400 on the street and returned it to his school’s administration, which then returned it to its owner.

Oday, a 10th grader at Ammar Ibn Yasser Model Schools in the Bani Obaid district, discovered the money while heading to school. He handed over the wallet, which contained the cash and personal documents, to the school administration.

The administration used the documents to identify the wallet’s owner, who turned out to be a supermarket owner in the area.

The school later honored Abu Obaid for his honesty. Principal Mahmoud Al-Sheib praised the student’s actions as a model of integrity, reflecting both noble Islamic values and genuine Jordanian virtues.

He commended Abu Obaid as an example for his peers and emphasized the importance of these values.