Unexpected cold snap hits Jordan: Early September temperatures Surprises citizens


Published: 2024-09-01 21:45

Last Updated: 2024-09-01 21:47

Unexpected cold snap hits Jordan: Early September temperatures Surprises citizens
Unexpected cold snap hits Jordan: Early September temperatures Surprises citizens

Unusually cool temperatures occurred at the onset of the month of September – a time of year where weather is usually moderately warm.

The noticeable drop in temperatures surprised many, prompting questions about the reasons behind this sudden change and whether it could be a sign of broader climate shifts.

Jordan has experienced an early onset of cooler weather this year, with the chill setting in during September instead of the usual October.

Significantly lower temperatures were recorded across various parts of the kingdom, indicating an unusual shift in seasonal patterns.

According to “ArabiaWeather” center, Jordan entered the fall season astronomically with temperatures below their usual averages.

The center explained that the cool and mild weather at the beginning of September doesn't necessarily signal an early start to the rainy season, as this month is known for its climate fluctuations, particularly in its latter days.

The temperatures recorded in Amman at the start of September were the lowest in 13 years, with the maximum temperature on the first of the month reaching 28.2°C, a level not seen since 2011.

Weather maps indicate that the moderate daytime conditions will continue through the first week of September. It is advised to wear a light jacket late at night and in the early morning, especially in high mountainous areas.

Evening and early night hours are expected to be pleasant but will gradually cool, particularly in the mountainous regions and eastern plains. The southern mountains, specifically the Sharah region, could see minimum temperatures drop to around 13°C, while other areas of the kingdom, including Amman, will experience lows ranging between 16-21°C.