Senior Hamas official reveals details on Gaza ceasefire negotiations


Published: 2024-09-03 22:50

Last Updated: 2024-09-03 22:58

Senior Hamas official reveals details on Gaza ceasefire negotiations
Senior Hamas official reveals details on Gaza ceasefire negotiations

Hamas senior official Osama Hamdan disclosed the latest developments regarding the ceasefire agreement in Gaza.

Speaking on Tuesday evening to Al-Jazeera, Hamdan stated that there were no new updates on the deal, emphasizing that Hamas only responds to messages received through intermediaries – as Hamas does not partake directly in negotiations with “Israel”.

Hamdan criticized the United States for not exerting sufficient pressure on “Israeli” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government, saying that Washington has failed to meet its responsibilities.

He clarified that what is needed is not a new proposal, but rather holding Netanyahu accountable to what the resistance has already agreed upon.

Hamdan reaffirmed Hamas's firm stance on the Philadelphi Corridor, rejecting any form of “Israeli” presence there.

"The Philadelphi Route is part of the previously agreed-upon Gaza withdrawal. If Washington does not compel Netanyahu to withdraw from Philadelphi, it is merely trying to save him from the consequences of the prisoners' deaths,” Hamdan said.

He pointed out that the captives were either killed by “Israeli” airstrikes, “Israeli” gunfire, or during clashes, noting that continued “Israeli” operations in Gaza result in the deaths of captives instead of their retrieval.

Hamdan described Netanyahu's press conference on Monday as a desperate attempt to evade responsibility for the captives' deaths.

"The clear equation is that the captives will be retrieved if the war in Gaza stops and there is a complete withdrawal. It is time for the international community to treat Netanyahu as a war criminal," Hamdan stated.

He also questioned whether the blood of six "Israeli" prisoners is valued more by the world than the lives of 50,000 Palestinians killed by the occupation.