Election Commission comments on Prime Minister's ballot incident


Published: 2024-09-10 15:18

Last Updated: 2024-09-10 15:43

Prime Minister Dr. Bisher Al-Khasawneh casting his vote on Tuesday, Sept. 10
Prime Minister Dr. Bisher Al-Khasawneh casting his vote on Tuesday, Sept. 10

On Tuesday, the Independent Election Commission (IEC) addressed the incident where Prime Minister Dr. Bisher Al-Khasawneh tore his ballot while voting in the parliamentary elections.

During a press conference, IEC spokesperson Mohammad Khair Rawashdeh stated that tearing the ballot was not a violation of the election process. He explained that the correct procedure in such cases is to replace the damaged ballot.

Rawashdeh emphasized that election representatives are trained to handle similar situations before the parliamentary elections, reiterating that the incident does not constitute a breach of the electoral process.

The Prime Minister had reportedly torn the ballot due to an error in his selection of candidates.

Al-Khasawneh cast his vote at Taysir Dhibyan Boys High School in Um Uthaina, part of the second district in Amman.