Weather forecast for Sunday, Monday in Jordan


Published: 2024-09-15 09:33

Last Updated: 2024-09-15 11:57

Cloudy weather in Amman, Jordan. (File photo)
Cloudy weather in Amman, Jordan. (File photo)

The Jordan Meteorological Department reported that Sunday's weather will remain moderate in the highlands and plains, while it will be relatively hot in the Jordan Valley, Dead Sea, and Aqaba regions.

Low clouds are expected to increase across the country, turning the weather cool and partly cloudy at night, especially in northern and central Jordan. Early morning fog may reduce visibility in mountainous areas.

On Monday, the weather is forecast to be partly cloudy with a slight drop in temperatures, falling below the seasonal average.

There is a chance of light rain showers early Monday morning in parts of northern Jordan. Nighttime temperatures will be cool in the highlands and moderate in the Jordan Valley, Dead Sea, and Aqaba.

The department urged caution due to the potential for fog formation in mountainous areas, which could reduce visibility in the early morning hours.