New PM tells ministers: “Will not allow anyone to jeopardize our credibility”


Published: 2024-09-21 18:02

Last Updated: 2024-09-21 18:14

New Prime Minister of Jordan Jafar Hassan during an economic workshop held for ministers during their retreat. (Photo: Prime Ministry)
New Prime Minister of Jordan Jafar Hassan during an economic workshop held for ministers during their retreat. (Photo: Prime Ministry)

New Prime Minister of Jordan Jaafar Hassan emphasized the need for complete alignment among all ministries and government institutions regarding the objectives and projects stemming from the Economic Modernization Vision and the Public Sector Modernization Roadmap, underscoring the serious commitment to their implementation.

During an economic workshop held for ministers, secretaries-general, and directors responsible for tracking progress at the Prime Ministry, Hassan stressed the importance of genuine and continuous execution across all levels of the executive branch.

"I will ensure that no one is left without the necessary support or assistance to succeed in this process," Hassan stated, adding, "But if someone doesn’t believe in the vision’s programs and projects, they should not be part of the executive team."

"I am very straightforward on this matter and will insist on its application and personally follow it up." He added, "These are state programs outlined in the Royal directives, and I will not allow anyone to jeopardize our credibility."

The Prime Minister highlighted three key factors essential for Jordan’s progress and success in modernization efforts: willpower, management, and execution.

He emphasized the importance of continuity in implementing plans and programs, reflecting the sustained will behind modernization efforts over the past years, supported by broad national consensus and partnership.

Hassan also pointed out that frequent changes in governments have often led to reversals in policies, plans, and previously accomplished work, eroding public trust over the years.

He assured participants that the cabinet would provide the necessary national expertise and support to ministries to build their capacities for implementing new performance measurement mechanisms, assessing impact, tracking progress, and identifying areas for improvement, ensuring the successful execution of projects and programs.

Hassan directed service-aligned ministries, whose employees interact directly with citizens, to adopt a mindset focused on finding solutions rather than creating obstacles, describing this as a fundamental approach.

Regarding execution, the Prime Minister called on all entities to operate as a unified, integrated team, stressing that this is vital for enhancing the government's ability to achieve results.

He reinforced the need for effective coordination, particularly through performance monitoring units at the Prime Ministry and relevant ministries, to ensure the continuity of the state’s strategic plans.

Hassan urged ministers, secretaries-general, and performance monitoring unit directors not to be deterred by any obstacles, emphasizing the importance of persistence in finding solutions, whether through the secretaries-general, ministers, or himself directly.

During discussions, Hassan stressed the importance of focusing on job creation through the Economic Modernization Vision’s programs, describing it as the key indicator of success.

The workshop, titled "Economic Modernization Vision... Continuing Progress," included ministers, secretaries-general, and representatives from performance and progress monitoring units across government ministries and institutions.

The event aimed to organize the work of ministries and institutions within a framework of performance measurement and output evaluation, in line with the Economic Modernization Vision, the Public Sector Modernization Roadmap, and the Royal directives.

The workshop featured discussions on the current state of economic sectors under the Economic Modernization Vision’s executive program, sectoral priorities, challenges, areas for improvement, and recommendations for building on achievements, with the ultimate goal of stimulating economic growth.

To further enhance integration between the economic and administrative modernization tracks, the workshop also addressed key priorities in the Public Sector Modernization Roadmap, implementation enablers, and the ongoing digital transformation efforts aimed at creating a capable, efficient public sector that works as a cohesive unit to improve citizen services and support comprehensive economic development.