Terror conspiracy foiled: Six jailed for plotting attacks against security officials in Jordan


Published: 2024-09-25 18:35

Last Updated: 2024-09-25 21:06

Terror conspiracy foiled: Six jailed for plotting attacks against security officials in Jordan
Terror conspiracy foiled: Six jailed for plotting attacks against security officials in Jordan

The Court of Cassation has upheld sentences against six defendants, including an activist, who planned to carry out terrorist attacks targeting security officials and government employees in the Karak governorate, under the name "Bloody Armed Struggle." This had happened back in 2021.

In March 2024, the State Security Court convicted four of the defendants, sentencing them to prison terms ranging from three to five years on charges of conspiracy to commit terrorist acts and incitement against the regime.

One of the defendants was sentenced to two and a half years in prison, while another was acquitted of all charges.

According to the court documents obtained by Roya, all of the defendants are residents of Karak. The first defendant had a close friendship with the second, third, and fourth defendants, based on their participation in protests and sit-ins together.

- What happened? -

The court found that the second defendant also had a relationship with the fifth and sixth defendants. The third defendant had previously been convicted of incitement against the regime and, after serving a one-year sentence, resumed his activities on social media.

The first, second, and fourth defendants shared posts on their social media accounts aimed at inciting the Jordanian public against the state, its security apparatus, and the ruling system. Their intent was to spread hatred and hostility toward state institutions.

By October 2021, disillusioned with the effectiveness of protests and sit-ins, the first, second, and third defendants turned to a new strategy to effect political change and pressure state institutions. They believed that demonstrations and incitement posts had failed to achieve their goals.

The court ruling stated that due to their animosity toward the security services and state institutions, which safeguard the country’s stability, the defendants met in a remote area outside Karak. They agreed to abandon peaceful activism and pursue a "bloody armed struggle," using violence and armed force.

They identified their targets as prominent political and security figures in Karak, aiming to kidnap and kill them using automatic weapons and silencers. They also planned to use unregistered vehicles to avoid detection and escape to the rugged terrain of Karak, where they were familiar with the landscape.

The group intended to record the killings and post the videos online as a message to the Jordanian state and security forces, asserting that "armed struggle" was the only way to achieve change and rally other activists to follow their example in Jordan.

The Court of Cassation affirmed that the ruling was legally sound and free of any errors in law or its application, thereby rejecting the appeal and upholding the State Security Court’s decision.